MLHA Protocols and Procedures related to COVID-19

The Mt. Lebanon Hockey Association (MLHA) has created the following protocols and procedures designed to minimize exposure to the risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19.  Prior to participating in any MLHA sponsored events (on or off-ice) we are requiring one parent for each player in the MLHA to click the link below acknowledging that you have read and understand the risks associated with participating, and the protocols and procedures to be followed.

These protocols and procedures may be updated as new information and data becomes available and will be in place until further notice.  These protocols and procedures will be in addition to any specific facility rules as posted by the individual ice rinks or locations where MLHA sponsored events may take place.

  • If anyone in your family has tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 14 days or has been exposed to anyone who has tested positive within the last 14 days, or are not feeling well and experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, the player is expected to stay home.
    • The CDC defines possible COVID-19 symptoms as:
      • Fever (defined as temperature 100.4 degrees or higher) or chills
      • Cough
      • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
      • Fatigue
      • Muscle or body aches
      • Headache
      • New loss of taste or smell
      • Sore throat
      • Congestion or runny nose
      • Nausea or vomiting
      • Diarrhea
  • Parents are asked to assess their player for symptoms and provide temperature checks prior to each scheduled MLHA activity. A player with a fever (temp 100.4 degrees or higher) or other COVID-19 symptoms is expected to stay home.
  • Coaches and volunteers will screen and monitor players for symptoms prior to and during games and practices. If an individual shows symptoms, has a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher, or are sick, they will be sent home.
  • Hand-shaking, fist bumps and high-fives as well as other unnecessary physical contact with coaches, teammates other athletes, officials and spectators before during, and after games is to be avoided.
  • Activities that increase the risk of exposure to saliva (such as chewing gum, spitting, licking fingers, etc.) will not be permitted.
  • Players and coaches will be asked to use hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol) provided by the MLHA at arrival, departure, during water breaks, and after using restroom facilities.
  • Hand hygiene standards will be encouraged and enforced by coaching staff.
  • Players and coaches are to arrive at the rink no more than 15 minutes prior to their scheduled start time.
  • Throughout the upcoming 2020-21 season, the MLHA will comply with Allegheny County, state and/or CDC guidelines regarding the wearing or masks while in ice rink facilities. The current guidelines as of July 16, 2020 state that all players, coaches and spectators are required to wear a mask while inside ice rink facilities, with the exception of players when participating on the ice for activities.
  • We encourage players to arrive to the rink fully dressed whenever possible.
  • Sharing of equipment between players will not be permitted.
  • In the event that a player gets sick while participating in an MLHA event, a coach will take steps to isolate them from the rest of the team without any physical contact. The players parents will be notified immediately and asked to remove the player from the facility.  In the event of a subsequent positive or presumed positive case of COVID-19, local health officials will be notified, as will any players, coaches or officials who are known to have been in contact with the affected individual.
  • During any summer ice session parents will not be permitted to enter the rink to minimize risk of exposures.
  • Throughout the upcoming 2020-21 season, the MLHA will comply with Allegheny County and/or state guidelines in addition to specific rink guidelines as it relates to parents and spectators permitted to enter the facility for events. Further, MLHA will follow any guidelines set forth by the rink to limit entrance and exit traffic, utilize designated entrances and exits, and prohibiting people from congregating anywhere in the facility.
  • Coaches and players must maintain appropriate physical distancing at all times possible, including on the ice, in locker rooms and all public spaces in the facility.
  • Locker rooms may or may not be available (pending each rink’s specific policies).  When available, locker room occupancy limits will be posted and enforced.
  • Expect that locker room bathrooms and water fountains will not be available for use.
  • Players are required to bring their own filled water bottle with their name clearly marked. Water bottles are not to be shared with other players under any circumstance.
  • All players, coaches and parents will be asked to exit the rink within 15 minutes after their event has ended.

The MLHA will follow these with the intent of providing the safest environment possible for all participating members of the MLHA. Please click the link below to acknowledge that members of your family will follow these protocols and procedures during all MLHA sponsored events during the 2020-21 season.

Click to Sign MLHA COVID-19 Protocols and Procedures